Saturday, April 18, 2009

what we already know about our son...

Today is James' official due date. And still, no James. I am beginning to wonder if the ultrasound tech got together with my spleen to plan an elaborate and cruel practical joke, resulting in the eventual spontaneous combustion of my "baby". In reality, though, he's still par for the course. Anytime within the next ten days poses no health risks, and that's really a lot more important than my personal agenda (can you tell I'm convincing myself as I go??).
So, I'm fully certain at this point that I absolutely DO NOT know when this baby is going to emerge. What I DO know, is that he has inherited his parents' propensities for stubbornness, independence and procrastination. Let's just hope he decides to make his grand entrance before mommy looses her mind completely. Oh god, she is starting to talk in the third person.

1 comment:

Kiira said...

On a personal note, my grandfather passed away on the 18th so I'm glad James waited a bit. Is that any consolation?