Sunday, May 31, 2009


Hello all:)
James and I went out to lunch with one of my prenatal yoga instructors and her new baby, and she stated that she thought of newborns as little plants... because all they really need is to be preened and "watered" and then they grow. While I have found James to be significantly more work and more fun than your standard Chia pet, I anxiously await the day when he starts showing off a little more of his (so far delightful and easy-going!) personality. He has started making little cooing noises in the last week or so, which is incredibly endearing. He also survived his first vacation and his first major round of pass-the-baby at an Ironwood gathering of Nana Bets' friends. Round 2 will take place beginning next Thursday when my parents pick James and I up in Madison to go to my cousin's graduation in Elkhart, IN. Jess has escaped both escapades by going to work. I think that has been a pretty ingeneous way for him to enjoy some good, restful baby breaks in without me losing my mind:)
In other news, I managed to get to my first yoga class post-baby last Wednesday, and it felt wonderful (but a little bizzare) to do yoga all by myself in my body again. I sort of missed having James' presence in my belly... and I REALLY never thought I'd say that! But I did NOT miss his presence while shifting my weight from table pose to down dog to plank:)
Let's see... as for our little milk-monster's growth so far, I have no clue what he weighs right now, but he has completely outgrown all of his 0-3 month clothes already. He is also right on the verge of outgrowing his bassinet, and we will be attempting to move him into his crib in the nursery full-time starting next week. This probably means that I will be sleeping on the futon starting next week, so wish my neck and back good luck! Pictures this week are for compare-contrast purposes... 5 days old vs 5 weeks old.
Leanne, Jess, and James
P.S. more (NEW today!) fun and exciting pictures to be had at: JPB Gallery

Monday, May 4, 2009

he's HERE!!!

Just in case you didn't get a super-proud call or e-mail from Jess, "Nana Bets", or me, I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize for being out of touch for so long!  Kevin (Jess's Dad) graciously reminded me tonight that my trusty blog audience has been left without my witticisms for nearly 2 weeks now.  Unacceptable.  I make no excuses. Except the one where I was slightly busy with birthing and caring for my glorious baby boy:)
So... please forgive my absence, and allow me to introduce:
10 lbs, 1 oz (wow, right!?!?)
20 in (although we think this might be a mis-calculation)
born Thursday 4/23/09 at 3:17 am
Totally healthy (normal glucose despite his epic size)... and I made it drug-free through the delivery with no complications whatsoever!  Sooo awesome!  
Pics are courtesy of Nana Bets, who came down to help out over the weekend and snuck in a photo shoot:)

I can't believe it has been 11 days since James came into the world.  It's such a weird mix of not recognizing this as my new reality and being unable to imagine going back to the way things were.  Mom calls it the "happy baby fog" which I think is an apt description.  And wow, are we ever HAPPY!!  In all honesty, I had no idea that I would feel this fantastic.  I spent a lot of time during the pregnancy reading books and articles about the many trials of the postpartum experience... recovery from the birth itself, extreme sleep deprivation, stressful interactions with partner and baby, messy house, eternal fast food... and I was terrified that I would have major baby blues through it all.  Really, though, either these people are full of bologna or I am the luckiest mama in the world, because this sweet, wonderful boy just snuggles and sleeps and eats and poops, then looks up at me with big blue eyes while I sing to him.  And Jesse... I don't even have words to tell you how amazing he is.  He was so attentive and strong for me through the labor, and he's truly fantastic with James.  He has been extra-helpful around the house, which has helped me tremendously in my recovery.  

Ok, so I'm gushing.  But I just can't think of anything to report that isn't saturated in sheer joy:)  I'm totally in love with my new little family.  Last night Jess and I were in the living room and I was feeding James while Jess was grooming the bird.  All four of us were totally peaceful and happy.  And, lucky me, that's my life now.  I'm sure there will be plenty of tough days and nights to come, but I've never been more certain that it's all going to work out just right.  

Lots of love,
the happiest little family you ever did see:)