Tuesday, April 7, 2009

full moon soon cometh

Hello again:)
a few quick points of business:
1) THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!  We have received so many calls and cards and e-mails over the last week (and throughout the whole pregnancy, for that matter) filled with thoughts of love and support.  It means the world to us that so many family and friends have been keeping track of this pregnancy.  We are truly blessed to have each and every one of you sending your beautiful energy in our direction.  I am certain that knowing I have so many well-wishers will make labor easier for me.
2) To avoid confusion:  I'm still registered at babiesrus.com but I am now ALSO registered at happybambino.com  The only duplicate item is the breast pump.  I only need one, I just REALLY need it, so I put it on both:)
Onward to fun blog:

I have a prediction that this baby will come with the full moon on the night of April 9th/10th.  Just throwing that out there.  That would be super, because honestly, I don't know how much more of this my poor skin can take.  It's stretch-mark city around here (No peeking!  I edited it out of the photos pretty thoroughly!)  And yes, I've tried cocoa butter, and yes, I find it completely useless.  
On a cheerier note, I CLEANED some more today, and it looks like this apartment is finally coming out of chaos mode.  I'm very proud.  Today's happy news also includes my yoga class, where the non-preggo substitute instructor was blown away at the end of class when she found out how far along I am... she said there was no WAY she'd have been able to stretch like that when she was 38.5 weeks.  She was skinny and toned and a yoga instructor, so that made me feel pretty smug!  Even more important than my ego boost, though, was my reassurance at today's midwife appointment.  Once again, everything looks good... James has his head down, a steady, normal heart rate, and good movement.   I have normal belly growth and weight gain, fantastical blood pressure, and several signs that labor is in my very near future.  They don't do checks for dilation or effacement unless they're worried, so I don't know where that's at.  However, all systems are go for launch whenever James decides he's ready:)  Today's midwife guessed that James will probably be pretty long based on where she felt his head and his bum in my belly.  I would not be at all surprised... the Wesselhoft genes don't mess around!
As for Jess... he finished a 9-day stint at the Apple store tonight, so he's pretty wiped out at the moment.  I promised him I wouldn't go into labor until at least tomorrow evening so that he'll be able to rest up a bit.  Here's hopin' I can keep my word.  Who wants a woozy labor coach!?!
That's about it for now.  I'm hoping it's not too many more posts before the big news.  Patience is not my strongest point even when I'm not filled with a myriad of crazy hormones.     
Much love,
the lady in waiting


Newlywed Next Door said...

Ahhh! So exciting! Can't wait to his little face on the blog soon!

Maya Kuper said...

Good luck, Leanne! I'm excited for you! Also, these pictures totally own.

- Maya

Lindsay Estrada said...

Wow, you are so funny and in such good spirits for someone with a belly so big! I hope the labor goes well, we are all thinking of you! It won't be long now! :) Love you! Linds