Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I heart my macbook

Hello all:)
I would like to give full credit to Steve Jobs for this photograph. I took it myself using Photobooth on my Mac! Anyway, week 29 is treating me well. I had my first appointment with my new care provider today, and she says everything about the pregnancy is right on track. No gestational diabetes or anemia in sight. She commented that I "must have a spectacular diet!" I decided that it was best not to mention the cheese puffs and diet coke I had for lunch... it occurred to me that our definitions of "spectacular" might not line up exactly! Joking aside, I have mostly been taking really good care of myself, so I was relieved to see it showing in my lab work today. In other health news, I will be giving birth at Meriter Hospital, under the care of the UW Midwives. Jess and I get to take a tour of the birth facilities tomorrow, but all the literature shows it to be a really nice place. (this is the address for a virtual tour:
http://www.meriter.com/about/tours/index.asp?v=14 ) And best of all, the insurance company has assured me that all of my care will be covered in full. Hoorah!
Aside from that, not much to report. Still settling into our new life and trying to find ways to get connected with the community without spending much money. I think that part will be easier once the weather starts to shape up. Jess and I went to the zoo yesterday (Madison has a neat free zoo!), and I may have imagined it, but I thought the polar bear looked a little chilled!
Much love!
~the Bornselhofts:)

1 comment:

paul said...

Good to hear all is well with the pregnancy. That's a weight off the shoulders eh? Useful when the weight in the belly is stickin around for a while. How is jess sertleing in at the new store?