Thursday, January 22, 2009


Ok, so I've been neglecting my blogging duties, and I apologize. To make it up to you, I am giving you not one but TWO pictures this week:) Firstly, back to my traditional pregnant belly shots... Now at 27.5 weeks, I am obviously getting bigger and have switched into maternity pants full-time. Happily, I don't seem to be gaining much weight other than in my belly, so in THEORY it will come off easily at the end.

Secondly, I have graduated in my knitting skills from single-width, single-color scarves to BOOTIES. Having successfully completed this project in two days, I now consider myself capable of knitting anything at all, and I have every intention of doing so. Since I have about a week left before I can start subbing in Madison, I am using my down-time to play housewife. Jesse has been enjoying having his lunch packed for him every morning and coming home to find his house in better shape than he left it. I have been enjoying watching lots of movies, knitting, and nesting in our new place. I can't even express in words how happy I am to know that 2.0 has his very own nursery and Jesse and I have the physical and financial space we need to support him:)

In other news, we are still trying to navigate the fun and exciting ordeal of insurance and which birth place will best suit our philosophical and financial ideals. Things are not looking promising for the birthing center, even though we both LOVED it there. We would have to pay them up front in order to be fully reimbursed by the insurance, and I don't think we'll be able to come up with that kind of funding so quickly. I'm hoping to get quotes from the hospitals in the area within a week so that I can choose and start back up with the prenatal appointments.

I realized yesterday that in 9.5 weeks, I'll be considered full-term, which means that I 2.0 would not be considered premature from that point forward. I can't believe how much things are changing and how quickly this pregnancy is flying by! He just gave me a big kick... I guess he'd like me to say hello to all of you for him.

We all send lots of love! Thanks for checking in!!
~Leanne, Jesse, and a very active 2.0

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