Luckily, I was able to get in to see the ultrasound technician this afternoon at 3, and she was significantly more competent:)
Not only did she FIND our little man's penis, she gave me a picture with an arrow pointing to it and wrote "IT'S A BOY!" across the bottom (See left). She also let me know that the baby is perfect in every way (as I suspected) and that he is active, healthy, and exactly halfway to the end of incubation:)
Here, we see 2.0 rubbing his perfect face with his perfect hand... okay, so he kind of looks like a globule... let me have my moment!
Much love,
Proud parents-to-be of a perfect little boy
WOW! Congratulations! How exciting. I now see your mom's future...buying cute little boy clothes.
So excited for you!
and our similarities continue, big sister:)
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