Tuesday, November 18, 2008


This has not been my very best week ever. The heater is broken in Jesse's apartment, so I've been huddled up in his room next to the space heater a lot. Also, $150 disappeared from my wallet (presumably stolen, possibly misplaced in the haze of pregnancy), so I've been pretty moody the last few days. Looking on the brighter side, Jess has been incredibly sweet and helpful, catering to my needs before I realize they are needs on many occasions. AND... I bought my first maternity pants, and may never go back to regular pants ever again. They might have a hard time prying these things off of my fabulously comfortable body at the hospital in April:) Other than that, I'm doing my best to take good care of myself as I prepare to move to Madison in January, get ready for the holidays, and keep pace with subbing in Winnetka, accompanying my friend Mary's fourth grade choir, teaching music downtown on Mondays, and waitressing as much as my body will let me. So, you know, the usual. :)

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