Saturday, November 8, 2008

look! it's a belly!

Hello all!
I'm feeling pretty good about bringing a baby into the world in the year Obama takes office! :)  
Here is my belly this morning, at the end of week 16.  Still no word on the gender.  Looks like we'll have to wait until December 1 to find out about that.  I got to spend some time with my parents this week in Ironwood, which was wonderful and relaxing.  Mom even treated me to a pedicure... the baby loved it:) Yesterday Jesse and I spent some time in Madison looking at housing and checking out the Apple store he might be transferring to.  We're hoping to get into a two-bedroom here ( in mid-January.  Other than that, we're just trying to navigate all of the decisions and changes as gracefully as we can.  Pretty exciting stuff!


Anne said...

So I can't help looking at that picture and remembering our lakeside discussion with your mom about the where pants should fall around one's waist.

Glad you're blogging. Can't wait to find out what color the Born Baby will be wearing!

Megan Sullivan said...

Hi Leanne! I'm so glad you are doing a blog! It will be great to hear all about your pregnancy from afar!

Big hugs,